Nice to meet you!
Hello and welcome to my blog! Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. I am looking forward to connecting with you as I finally start to make time to share my knowledge on health and wellness.
I am a licensed psychotherapist, certified health coach & children's book author. I am passionate about human rights and sovereignty. I believe everyone should have the free will to determine what is best for themselves and their family, free of coercion and force. My degree means that I went to school to get a Bachelor’s Degree, a Master’s Degree and Doctoral Degree in psychology and marriage and family therapy. I completed 3000 hours of clinical experience, passed two licensing exams, and have to complete 36 units of continuing education every two years to maintain my license. I hold my license in CA where we have some of the highest standards of education and licensing requirements in the nation. In addition, I have studied health and nutrition in depth. I am a certified health & wellness coach and have earned a certificate as a level one nutrition advisor from Sanoviv Functional Medical Institute. Last but definitely not least, I am honored to be a Whole30 Certified Coach. I am also a published children's book author. My content focuses on bringing all things health and wellness to our youth through age appropriate content and imagery.
You can find an expanded version of who I am and what I offer on my website at I am passionate about the interconnectedness of physical and mental health. It is through health that we set the foundation for ourselves, our families, and the world around us. Our wellness is the starting point for achieving our goals, whatever those may be.
Please check back soon for updated content.
In health and happiness.
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